Bi-weekly sessions meet for 2 hours every other week. Sessions are paid in full at the time of booking. You’ll be provided a link to use to book your sessions.
Quarterly sessions last 6 hours every time we meet. A deposit is required at the time of booking and the remaining amount is required before the session. You’ll be provided a link to use to book your sessions.
The quarterly sessions are designed to do 3 months worth of therapy in one session. It tends to require fewer sessions overall than do other forms of couples therapy.
The Crisis Package starts off weekly then moves to bi-weekly sessions as the couple progresses. Sessions are paid in full at the time of booking. You’ll be provided a link to use to book your sessions.
Premarital Counseling sessions only happen once and last 4 hours. It's designed to get to the root of your issues and build skills to overcome them. There's no need for recurring sessions. A deposit is required at the time of booking and the remaining amount is required before the session. You’ll be provided a link to use to book your session.
Online: All sessions are through Zoom.
For couples who live outside the states of MO & NM, please note that while I provide the same support and guidance as I do for MO & NM couples, due to state regulations, it must be called coaching rather than therapy. This distinction ensures compliance with state laws while allowing us to work on relationship improvements using similar techniques and approaches.
With quarterly and premarital sessions, clients notice results by the end of the first session.
For couples doing bi-weekly session or the crisis package, many of them report feeling relief and more connected by the end of the third session.
If you're feeling tension, communication breakdowns, or emotional distance, it's worth addressing now. High-achieving couples often dismiss these issues as normal stress, but even subtle cracks can lead to bigger problems.
Ask yourself if you’re feeling secure, connected, and understood by your spouse. If the answer is no, therapy can help you realign emotionally, ensuring you both feel valued, supported, and confident in your marriage's future.