Become the Role Models You Never Had.

Relationship & Financial Therapy is for high net worth couples who struggle to get on the same page with money, rebuild the trust needed to make financial decisions together and become the role models they never had.

Sessions Available in July:
Anywhere in the U.S.

▶︎ Supportive Environment for Honest Conversations

▶︎ Specialized Expertise

▶︎ Practical Strategies

High net worth couples often appear to be on the same page, but struggle behind closed doors with:

  • Financial infidelity (hiding or lying about financial activities)

  • Feeling resentful and frustrated

  • Disagreements about premarital issues like prenups or financial responsibilities to extended members

  • Unsure how to talk to their spouse about finances

  • Juggling various investments, assets, and incomes

  • Different priorities for spending, saving, and investing

I help high net worth couples become, and stay, financially aligned.

3 Key Ingredients to How I Do Therapy

I Adapt to the Couple

Every couple is different so I use different approaches based on your needs.

I’m Dual Trained

I’m certified in Financial Coaching AND I’m a Licensed Therapist.

I Help My Couples Make Changes Quickly

Change isn’t years away. Many of my couples see results within a few sessions. 

Stop pretending

to be on the same page.

Relationship & Financial Therapy helps high net worth couples:

Overcome communication barriers

Navigate complex financial decisions

Manage differing financial priorities

Address conflicts over spending, saving, and investing

Strengthen trust and emotional connection

Develop a unified approach to wealth management

Resolve disagreements about premarital issues

Build a solid foundation for financial and emotional harmony

Achieve alignment in financial goals and values to build a successful future together

Become financially aligned. Join the waitlist today.

Hi, I’m Q,

The high net worth couples I work with dream of financial prosperity and a deep emotional connection with one another. What gets in their way is a hidden struggle of constantly clashing over their financial decisions, leading to heated arguments and growing distance between them. Throughout the years, I’ve heard “my parents didn’t have a good relationship”, “no one ever taught me how to handle money and relationships, I had to teach myself”, & “the truth is, I have no clue what I’m doing.”

I don’t want you stuck there.

With 12 years of experience as both a therapist and a financial coach, Relationship & Financial Therapy teaches couples the exact skills required to break through their barriers to rebuild trust and feel both seen and heard to become financially aligned in their decisions.

Schedule a 30-min consultation to get started.

Like most couples, you probably never had a great role model in love and money.

Trial and error works in other areas of our lives but not in marriages. I’m here to help you two get on the same page.

✔︎ 12 Years Of Experience

✔︎ 100’s of Clients Served

✔︎ Certified Financial Coach

✔︎ Licensed Therapist

✔︎ Psychology Today Verified

Here’s How it Works

After completing the consultation:


In the First Session

I’ll ask a lot of insightful questions to get to know both of you as individuals and as a couple. Your answers will let me know exactly what I need to do to help you meet your marital goals.


In the Second Session

The therapeutic process begins. You’ll learn the essential skills to communicate in a way that leaves you both feeling seen and heard so you can finally overcome challenges and start moving forward together.


In the third Session

By the end of this session, many couples report noticing a significant shift and feel more connected with one another.